Friday, July 31, 2009

Last day of work!

Today is my last day of work before I get married. I have taken 3 weeks off in total. The week before the wedding, to handle any last minute details (but I don't have any as of right now) and to relax and enjoy some time with my brother and sister. Then I will be off the week of the honeymoon. We return from our honeymoon on a Tuesday, so I will have the rest of the week to spend time with the dogs and to get the house in order. I can't believe the wedding is almost here!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Pool time!

It has been a really hot summer, so we decided to get a pool for Bailee and Layla. We mainly got it for Layla because she has a ton of fur and is outside a lot.
To get the dogs in the pool, I usually throw their tennis balls in the pool. At first, Bailee tries to figure out a way to get the ball without going in the pool.

Layla just walks right into the pool. She loves water.

We were holding Bailee's tennis ball above the camera, that is why she looks so serious.

Layla will just stay in the pool. Here she is watching what Bailee is doing.

Here is Bailee drenched and determined to get her ball.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bridal Shower #2

A couple of weeks ago I had my 2nd bridal shower. This one was at my Aunt Sylvia's house and was hosted by my Aunt Becky. The day was really hot, but we had lots of umbrellas and eventually went inside the house to cool down. There was lots of good food and really fun games.

This was the welcoming sign as guests arrived. For anyone who knows my Aunt Sylvia and Uncle Kevin...they are wine fans.

This game was really challenging for me. Basically everyone brought a pair of underwear for me and I had to guess who brought which underwear and it was hard. I only guessed one correctly.

My Grandma, Aunt Sylvia, Me, Aunt Becky, and Lauren.

Lauren, Louise, Me, and Laurie

A picture of all the nicely decorated gifts.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Dog Beach

This weekend was so hot, that we decided we needed to take a trip to the dog beach. I have never gone before, but always wanted to go. The dog beach is a mile long strip down at Huntington Beach. It was great, there were TONS of dogs running around and playing in the water. This was the first time that Bailee and Layla have experienced the ocean.

Layla was afraid, that is why she was so close to me. She kept trying to go in between my legs (which is what she does when she is scared). Bailee would follow me, so if I went in the water, she would go to. There were some dogs in this picture checking us and our toys out. One dog actually ran off with one of our toys and never returned it!

While we were in the water, a big wave came and went all the way over Bailee. She was a little shocked at first, but she was fine. I am pretty sure she got a mouthful of salt water.

Now I know that I might be a little partial, but seriously, isn't this the cutest picture ever? We sat down on our towels after playing in the water, and Bailee had about half of the beaches sand on her. It was so funny. She was such a mess, but she still had her bow intact!

Here is everyone relaxing. Layla with her tongue out of the side of her mouth.

Bailee was doing some people watching after her swim. Bailee really enjoyed herself.

I think that Layla's favorite part of the day was just sitting on the beach and watching people. She didn't really seem to enjoy herself or the water, but she did make a lot of friends since she went up to practically every person on the beach and demanded attention. She loves humans!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bachelorette/Bachelor Party

For the 2nd part of our bachelorette/bachelor party, the guys and the girls all met at our house and took a limo to Fullerton for some serious drinking.

Kolbe, Josh, Craig, Zach, and Jeremy. Please notice the smile on Josh's face. As many of you know....getting Josh to smile for pictures can be difficult.

Jen, Kavita, Me, Bailee (of course), Barrett, Jennie, and Val. I must say that I think we all looked pretty good!

All of us getting ready to get in the limo. We knew we all planned on drinking a lot, so we got a limo so that way no one had to worry about driving.

Josh and I in the limo, very excited for the fun to begin.

A picture of us at the bar in the private room that we had reserved just for us...thanks Zach!

For some reason Josh and I don't ever take pictures of just the two of us. Here is a picture that I really like.

I don't remember exactly what we were all doing shots of in this picture, but I am sure it was gross...none the less, we all look very happy.

This picture pretty much tells you how good we were all feeling at the end of the night. It was a blast!