On Saturday, all the Liebel women had a bridal shower to attend for Jayme, and while we were there, all the men headed to Joe Jost's for some beer and fun. After the bridal shower, all the women headed over to Joe Jost's, too.

Ever since I began dating Josh, I have heard a lot about a bar called "Joe Jost's." This is the place where Craig gave Josh his first taste of beer when he was 2 years old (thanks Craig)!

Here we are with our ICE COLD scooners! That is the coldest beer I have ever had. It stayed cold because it was like 20 degrees inside the place. And yes, I am drinking my beer with a straw. I don't like to hold cold glasses since I am always cold.
Even Lee showed up to Joe Jost's!

There was some serious shuffle board happening. It was Me and Josh against The Oldtimers....I mean Craig and Jim. Josh and I won 4 games out of 5, so we got some victory beers from the losers.

Here is a picture of the sad losers! They thought for sure that they would be the winners!
Afterwards, we went to Me n Ed's for some food. Craig has been talking about this place for a while, telling me that this would beat my favorite pizza place. I am happy to say, that Warehouse Pizza is still the winner! Only go to Me n Ed's if you have 2 hours to spare, and if you aren't hungry.....enough said!